Our SRS® Merino semen sires rams. Click on the ram to see pedigree, photos, breeding values and comments.

2024 Semen Sires

170026: ASBV’s

201113: ASBV’s

New England Sire Evaluation 2023 drop link for results of 201113

210001: ASBV’s

210465: ASBV’s

210838: ASBV’s

The Glenwood Sire 170026 was entered into the 2021 drop Bathurst Merinolink Sire evaluation and his results as compared to the 11 other entrants can be viewed in this booklet – Merinolink 2023 Sire Evaluation booklet


top-price-ram-jumping-glenwood-merinosSheep Genetics Australia & ASBVs

Glenwood is a huge supporter of the work of Sheep Genetics Australia. We have entered information into their national database for the last 15 years. SGA is the highly successful national genetic information and evaluation service for the Merino and Sheepmeats industries. It was developed jointly by AWI and MLA.

SGA is the world’s largest sheep genetic information source, with over one million Merinos on record. Animals are ranked using Australian Sheep Breeding Values (ASBVs) for various traits. ASBVs take into account both environmental and genetic variations and link sires from one region or stud to another.

ASBVs have been available in Merino sheep since 2003 through the MERINOSELECT scheme. Merino breeders have been slow on the uptake however – only 35% of rams sold in Australia are using breeding values. SRS® breeders have been committed and actively involved in the MERINOSELECT program since its inception.  100% of SRS® studs are using ASBVs.

Results on the ground from our clients prove that we produce a fast growing, low maintenance, highly fertile animal without sacrificing fleece weight or fibre quality. In fact, two of our Stud sires rank in the top 10% for Clean Fleece Weight (CFW) in Australia.

Glenwood displays full pedigree information on ASBVs on key economic traits for all its sale rams.

Click here for a useful link to understanding ASBV’s

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